Together with her partner, Mick Dan, and their team, they feed over 1300 families a week with produce grown on one of their three organic farms. Growing up in suburban Brisbane being totally disconnected from her food source, Kelly is passionate about connecting people with their farmer, and building relationships with families to empower them to eat local, organic produce. Undergoing a complete lifestyle change not long after her daughter was born, Kelly swapped corporate city life for a purposeful journey in organic farming. Kelly believes in the ethos of growing together today for a healthier tomorrow and that now is the time to start being conscious about food choices and creating a strong local food system.
Visit the Good Harvest Website
Connect with Kelly on Facebook
In this episode, I get deep into my own journey and share with you my intentions for this podcast and all the exciting guests we have lined up. Get ready to get inspired and spark that curiosity.
This episode features the fearless Cyndi O’Meara who tells us about a time when she was in her 50’s and what she discovered about the ketogenic diet.
In this episode I am joined by Alexx Stuart, founder of Low Tox Life. We discuss how tonsillitis plagued her until she had a wonderful consult with a naturopath who really changed the course of how she investigated her health, the questions that she asked and taught her the importance of forming a great partnership with a practitioner.
This episode features one of our own team health coaches, Alicia Berry. Alicia became curious when, suffering with some serious health concerns, she wondered if her breast implants were the root cause of her problems.
In this episode, I have a fantastic chat with Brad Leech, who is a clinical nutritionist, Ayurvedic specialist and currently studying his PhD in intestinal permeability.
In this episode, Steph talks about her journey from a teen with food and health issues to becoming the Natural Nutritionist with a passion for spreading a positive message about real food and the incredible affect it has on health.
In this episode, hear how as a teenager, Jason’s curiosity was sparked by swimming in Sydney’s polluted waters, leading him down a path of studying water quality and on to becoming a consultant on childhood lead poisoning.
In this episode, I am joined by my dear friend, Kim Morrison, founder of Twenty8, an incredible organic skincare and aromatherapy company. Her life journey, and all she has accomplished to date, has stemmed from her unwavering self-belief, a healthy dose of curiosity, and her deep understanding that you must take care of yourself first and foremost.
In today's episode, I am talking with our beautiful head Naturopath, Ellen. But today it’s not Ellen’s clinical experience we are exploring but her incredible volunteer work in India for some NGO’s whose focus is on women's health education.
In this episode, my dear friend, Cathy and I talk about the tiny cabin her and partner Carlos share in the Noosa hinterland and how they have opened it up as a simple retreat for guests to immerse themselves in nature and a simpler life.
In this episode, Rowena Field, a physiotherapist and a PhD candidate, specialising in chronic pain and nutrition, shares her own experience with chronic back pain which led her to turn her understanding of chronic pain management on its head and in the process solve her own chronic pain problem.
Welcome to episode 12 where I speak to Rohan Smith, an extremely experienced and knowledgeable Naturopath who runs a clinical practice specialising in supporting patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. He discusses how he supports his clients with chronic fatigue and provides some great apps and tips to support yourself in moving forward into full wellness.
In this episode, I’m interviewing Maria Harpas, a clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath. We unpack the benefits and limitations of a vegan diet and the most common markers that she sees in clinic to help her patients optimise their health.
Today I interview Joanne Howarth, Founder and CEO of Planet Protector Packaging who have developed a range of eco-friendly sustainable thermal packaging that doesn't harm the planet. Listen in as I talk with her about how experiencing the devastating effects of polystyrene led her to develop this ethically sound product.
Today I’m interviewing Dr. Michele Lastella, a career researcher at CQUniversity’s Appleton Institute for Behavioural Science in Adelaide. Episode highlights include screen use and its effect on sleep onset and quality, teenage sleep, organ circadian rhythm and discovering your personal sleep chronotype.
In this episode I am joined by the incredible Shelley McKenzie, Nutritionist, soon to be Naturopath, and proud Mama. Shelley specialises in female hormone health, and is very passionate about fertility, pregnancy and beyond. Join me as we chat about Shelley’s health journey, and all that she has overcome, as well as preconception health, pregnancy and that sacred postpartum period.
In this episode, I’m joined by chiropractor, Dr. Brett Hill and today we talk all about how to flex that resilience muscle - how to build it, how to build resilience in kids, what skills you need and what areas of life you may need to build resilience in.
In this episode I am talking with Rachel Favilla. We begin discussing Rachel’s history of being diagnosed with Autoimmune hepatitis at age 14, which led on to a diagnosis and treatment of Anorexia. Rachel eventually found the healing power of real food and is now a nutritionist and educator with a beautiful simple philosophy around eating real food that serves your body and makes you feel good.
Ever wanted to grow your own vegies? Well this is the episode for you. Today I chat with Matt Harris, founder of Vegepod, a company whose mission is to make growing veges foolproof. We cover topics such as soil health and quality and food miles. No matter what the size of your outdoor space I hope this inspires you to get growing.
For all the gut science nerds out there like me you are just going to love this episode. Today I interview Dr Alena Pribyl who is the senior scientist and research officer at Microba, the very lab we use at Kultured Wellness to analyse our clients’ gut microbiome. Listen in as we discuss the cutting edge science around sequencing and latest insights into the gut microbiome as it relates to mental health, cancer and more.
You are going to love this candid chat with Luke Hines about what brings him joy and what he has been curious about over the past year. Luke discusses how the COVID crisis led him to turn everything he thought he knew about his own health pillars on their head, leading to a huge readjustment and redefinition in all areas of his life.
This one is for the Mamas and the Papas or anyone who has an interest in nourishing our children. I chat with Jess Donovan, Naturopath, who specialises in kids health, supporting families to raise happy and healthy kids. We dive into Jess’ own health journey and how finding the wonderful world of Naturopathy propelled her into her passion for kids' health.
In this episode I chat with Anna Papaioannou aka Anna the Anxiety Coach. We talk about Anna’s own experience with anxiety which developed after a childhood accident and the journey that ensued to help her work through her debilitating condition. Through this journey, Anna’s greatest challenges in life turned into her greatest triumph.
What a great interview we have today for anyone who is a Mama, wanting to be a Mama or who simply wants to up their game when it comes to increasing their nutrient stores. Sheridan Joy is a qualified nutritionist and GAPS practitioner and shares with us her passion for nutrition during and post pregnancy.
I absolutely love interviewing curious minds and I have to say my guest today, Professor James Adams, epitomises the very essence of a curious mind. He is the director of the Asperger’s/Autism research programme at Arizona State University and his area of focus is researching the medical causes of Autism and how to treat and prevent it including looking at nutrition, oxidative stress and gut problems in particular.
A different type of episode for you today, some musings from me, as I find myself with some rare solo time as I embark on a 9 hour drive torst my adventure at Carnarvon Gorge. Some of the topics I reflect on are the effects of, and mitigations we can take, towards reducing EMF’s. I also offer some thoughts on the power of mindset, having the right attitude as we embark on a change in lifestyle and more!
On this episode, we discuss Alexx's journey over the last 12 months to find a healthy home to live in. Due to Alexx’s CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) she needed to be on guard to find a mould free and low EMF property. Listen in for all of Alexx’s nuggets of wisdom and learnings as she navigates assessing properties and never settling for anything that would put her health at risk.
I’m excited for you to listen to this week's chat. In this episode I interview the most successful female surfer in history, Layne Beachley. What I appreciate most from our chat is how Layne reflects on what drove her to win, how she felt like she could never be enough, her lack of self worth and being driven by fear. She shares her evolution of self and how once retired from surfing she really had to dig deep to find where she could improve, to give back to society.
Today I bring on a dear friend of mine, Cyndi O’Meara, nutritionist, filmmaker and educator, to discuss a hot topic with global relevance - the climate change diet and the vegan diet. In typical Cyndi fashion, she helps unpack a mass of information in a common sense way. I know you will enjoy this chat, you may feel challenged but you will certainly feel her passion and wisdom shine through.
In this episode, I interview Dr. Carrie Rigoni who is a Chiropractor who also specialises in the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is an area of personal fascination for me and it seems there is a huge gap in public awareness around its roles in recovering from a trauma or health crisis to supporting your stress resilience etc. So listen in to learn all about the vagus nerve and how to optimise it.
Welcome to this episode with Dr. Sandeep Gupta, who is my go-to on the topic of chronic inflammatory illness. He is an integrative Dr. with a real focus on nutrition and is renowned for his expertise in the treatment of CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome). He has his own online course, "Mold Illness Made Simple" that you can access in the show notes and he is also a wealth of knowledge in the area of vector-borne illness. I know you will enjoy this information-rich podcast.
Get ready to be inspired. Man was I blown away while interviewing this week’s guest, Lisa Tamati. Her knowledge, energy, enthusiasm, and how she faces challenges head-on are awe-inspiring. Lisa has come from a world of being an extreme endurance athlete, pushing her body both mentally and physically which ultimately prepared her for her biggest challenge, her relentless fight to recover her mum’s health after she suffered a severe aneurysm and resulting brain damage.
I’m super excited for you to listen to this episode with holistic clinical psychologist Didi Cragg. Over the course of my own health journey I've been blessed to work with some fantastic practitioners and Didi is one of them. Didi is super passionate about the gut and mental health connection after her own experiences led her to make the link between food and mood and symptoms. I know you will love this one so sit back and tune in.
We start the year off with a great chat with Sharon Selby from Deliciously Allergy Free. We delve into Sharon’s own health journey and then the experience of navigating life with an allergy child and how the skills she learned not only reversed her sons' allergies and eczema but led to the creation of this incredible platform with courses and resources for families with allergies.
I’m so happy to share with you my latest interview with Cliff Harvey. I have interviewed Cliff in the past but this conversation is next level! In this episode we discuss the hot topic of long COVID and how nutritional deficiencies can play a big part of recovery. We also touch on the role nutritional deficiencies play in vaccine adverse reactions, miscarriages, hormonal imbalances and more, plus we discuss the opportunity to really optimise a person’s full potential rather than just avoiding illness.
I know this episode is going to resonate for so many of you. If you have a child who is perhaps a bit sensitive and stuck and you’re struggling with how to parent them you are really going to love this episode with Ahleigh Warner, respectful parenting advocate and holistic psychologist.
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